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What Is Berry Bite Skin Regen™?

Skin Regeneration can have a lot of definitions and meanings.  At MyStem we refer to Skin Regeneration at the skin's cellular level by introducing Plasma Mesenchymal Stem Cells (PMSC).  PMSC uses your body's own natural and powerful healing proteins to regenerate skin by the release of the stem cell cascade.  This process stimulates keratinocytes that activate the production of new collagen and epidermal growth factors yielding the best anti-aging result at the cellular level.  PMSC is the most advanced, safest, and effective treatment for Skin Regeneration today.  Our Medical Provider has worked extensively with the leading world-renowned doctors to develop her own proprietary protocol to collect Mesenchymal Stem Cells and an abundance of growth factors in their most potent form.  The Mesenchymal Stem Cells that we collect are up to 10 times more effective than Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP).   PMSC spontaneously forms a fibrin matrix gelatinous clot that confines growth factor secretion to the clotting site. In tissue repair, recruited fibroblasts reorganize this fibrin matrix and initiate collagen synthesis.  Thus, the combined effects of growth factor secretion and fibroblast recruitment in PMSC work synergistically to promote collagenases and tissue regeneration.  

The Berry Bite Skin Regen™ treatment applies PMSC to the face in multiple layers and then microneedled into the skin.  You will be assessed during your consultation, and a treatment plan will be developed for optimal results.  You will also be given a recommendation of products for at home care.  In general, skin care products usually only penetrate 8% into the skin.  When microneedling is performed, penetration can reach up to 80% to 90% depth penetration for up to 72 hours.  The application of MyStem's PMSC and skin care products not only helps to stimulate and regenerate skin cells, improving their collagen synthesis, but may also modulate the inflammatory response post-treatment, thereby significantly reducing patient downtime.  

Benefits of Berry Bite Skin Regen:™

  • 100% natural with NO preservatives or chemical additives

  • No risk of introducing foreign stem cells, or disease transmission

  • More potent growth factors

  • Increases cell turnover

  • Regenerates skin tissue

  • Accelerates healing

  • Increases oxygen and nutrients to replenish the skin

  • Releases up to 10xs more growth factors than Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) 

  • PMSC can have up to a 4-6 month benefit from each treatment, which is twice the benefit you get with the PRP or foreign stem cells

  • Treatments are quick and painless

What Can Berry Bite Skin Regen™ Treat?

  • Fine Lines and Moderate Wrinkles

  • Skin Laxity

  • Acne Scars

  • Stretch Marks

  • Large Pores

  • Sun Damage or “Age Spots”

  • Hyperpigmentation and Hypopigmentation

  • Hair Loss

Berry Bite Skin Regen™ Contraindications: 

  • Active herpes infections

  • Rosacea and blood clotting problems (ie. poor wound healing)

  • Active bacterial, viral or fungal infections

  • Taking immunosuppressant medication

  • Pregnant or nursing

  • Have had radiation treatment within the last year

  • Have areas of the skin that are numb or lack sensation

  • Scars that are less than six months old

  • Facial surgery in the past 6 months

  • Use of isotretinoin (eg Accutane) in the past 6 months

  • Scleroderma, collagen vascular diseases or cardiac abnormalities

What to Expect? 

For all PMSC treatments, we will first start by drawing a small amount of your blood.  Your blood is then separated to retrieve your own body’s stem cells and growth factors.  The cells are then aspirated and injected into the desired area.  The stem cells and growth factors produce an increase of tissue synthesis and therefore leads to faster tissue regeneration and quicker healing.

Berry Bite Skin Regen: About
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